1 hour. 15 minutes.100619
Due to the deep history of the Tatar people, their dishes have acquired many variations. Traditional recipes
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1 hour. 46 minutes100166
Cooking beef only at first glance seems complicated, in fact a significant part of the time
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1 hour. 35 minutes160150
Pickle can be prepared at home on different broths - fish, meat, vegetarian
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1 hour. 55 minutes2001.2k
Beef broth is a light meat broth used in dietary nutrition, digestive disorders
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4 hours 0 min3005.2k.
Stew - the colloquially used name for canned stew. For sale everywhere
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1 hour. 10 min.100325
How to make pilaf so that it becomes a table decoration, and not an ordinary rice porridge with meat? Everything is simple!
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3 hours 0 min401.3k
Culinary offers a large number of delicacies that can satisfy gastronomic
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1 hour. 15 minutes.60239
Beef goulash - a dish created by Hungarian shepherds, which is now very popular
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40 min60165
Today you will learn how to make a pomegranate bracelet salad according to a classic recipe. Every mistress
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1 hour. 10 min.10071
Cutlet is one of the most common dishes that are prepared at home, in cafes and restaurants. Originally
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2 hours 10 min.100577
The guest of the article will be a wonderful soup, originally from Uzbekistan. Shurpa is a favorite dish of the inhabitants of the Central Asian region.
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45 minutes1004.1k
Beef stock is a healthy and aromatic, low-fat base. Great stock for future
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Before you cook delicious meat, you need to choose it correctly. The meat must be young.
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2 hours 40 min200194
I continue to expand the arsenal of recipes collected on the site. Today I will tell you how to cook
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30 minutes.60189
Before I tell you how to cook beef and pork beef stroganoff at home, I will introduce
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25 minutes60257
How to cook dumplings at home? There are many recipes for making homemade dumplings, all
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40 min4195
In the summer heat, for many, meat okroshka becomes one of their favorite dishes. It’s enough to know the basic rules
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55 minutes16093
With just a glass of peas and a little smoked ribs, you can serve the soup until you get bored. But cook
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40 min200845
From minced meat you can cook hundreds of dishes at home, it would be a desire. They are cooked in each
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45 minutes10088
Sweet peppers are made to be stuffed and baked in the oven. Purified from seeds, it resembles a pot.
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35 minutes150103
Chebureks came to us from Asia. Translated from the Crimean Tatar, the word means "raw pie".
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3 hours 0 min4078
Culinary experts appreciate beef tongue and dishes prepared from it. Usually it is boiled, and then pickled or
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4 hours 10 min.402k.
This is not to say that fresh beef heart is a product that is constantly present on the table.
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1 hour. 20 minutes.80204
It is not always possible to cook meat that is tender, flavorful and melting in your mouth. However, cooks who know
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25 minutes40188
A man who, in his “sound mind and sober memory”, will refuse a juicy steak, appetizingly covered
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40 min80118
Pilaf is an oriental dish. There are many variations of its preparation, but all of them are united by common
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20 minutes.1002.5k
The beef carcass for the cook is meat tenderloin, brisket, back, drumstick, etc.
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30 minutes.40507
Beef dishes are healthy and tasty, but many refuse to eat them, because meat during thermal
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5 hours 30 minutes.100132
The appearance of basturma is associated with the troops of Genghis Khan. Usually a warrior took a piece of meat with him, which
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1 hour. 45 minutes60502
Braised cabbage with meat is often cooked, but few people thought that this is an old Polish recipe
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50 minutes1001.1k
Difficult to find someone who has not heard of kharcho soup. However, not everyone can cook this dish.
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