Mutton pumpkin in the oven

Pumpkins on the table

Many legends and myths are associated with a pumpkin. In Laos, there is a tradition that a magic bird warned the family about the impending Flood. People hid in a large pumpkin, and thanks to this they were saved. When the water left, the seeds were planted in the ground, and from the fruits, instead of seeds, people grew.

Recently, pumpkin dishes have begun to cook less. And in vain, this is a pantry of useful substances for the normal functioning of the body. The positive effect of the miracle vegetable:

  • Improves a metabolism.
  • Removes toxins and toxins.
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Expels excess water.
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • It works as a prophylactic against the formation of cancer cells.
  • Improves visual acuity.
  • Normalizes pressure.
  • Prevents urolithiasis.
  • Improves skin condition.

Pumpkin cooked in the oven is considered a dietary product - low-calorie, but satisfying.

Baking preparation

Pumpkin with vegetables

Baking is the best way to get delicious diet foods and preserve nutrients.

Which vegetable is better to choose

There are a large number of pumpkin varieties. When choosing, you must adhere to these rules:

  • A round or oval shaped fruit is best suited. The optimal weight is 3-5 kg.
  • The tail should be dry, preferably whole.
  • Cut pumpkin is not worth buying.
  • The color of the pulp should be bright yellow, orange. Then the content of vitamin A will be maximum.
  • The peel is intact, dense and smooth.
  • To determine the ripeness, you need to press on the skin with a fingernail, if not sold, the vegetable has finished.

Varieties suitable for food:

  • Nutmeg.
  • Hard bark (regular, spaghetti pumpkin).
  • Large-fruited.

How to bake pumpkin in the oven in slices

Half pumpkin

To make the dishes tasty and healthy, you must follow some baking rules:

  • Peel the peel before baking. It easily separates afterwards, and saturates the dish with aroma.
  • The time it takes to prepare can be determined by the thickness of the slices. If 2 cm, bake for 60 minutes. Thinner - faster, thicker - longer.
  • You can check the readiness by piercing with a fork, if soft, then ready.
  • During baking, a little water should be added.
  • The optimum temperature is 200 ° C.

How to bake spaghetti pumpkin

An amazing kind of pumpkin is spaghetti. After cooking, it breaks down into fibers similar to pasta. Great for preparing many dishes. To bake it, you need:

  1. Preheat oven to 180-200 ° C.
  2. To prevent the vegetable from bursting during cooking, pierce it several times.
  3. Pour some water into the pan.
  4. Bake for 40-60 minutes.
  5. Remove from the oven, cool slightly.
  6. Cut, remove seeds.
  7. Separate the fibers from the peel.
  8. Put in the dishes.
  9. Before serving, add oil, salt, pepper.

Great for this variety of mozzarella and basil.

Pumpkin Slices with Sugar

Pumpkin Slice

Pumpkin has an amazing ability: its taste depends on what ingredients to cook it with. It can be salty, spicy or sweet.

For cooking, it is recommended to use sweets:

  • raisins,
  • sugar,
  • honey,
  • pears
  • fruit pilaf
  • apples
  • berries
  • dried fruits.
Servings: +10
  • pumpkin 1 kg
  • water 70 ml
  • sugar 60 g
  • salt ½ tsp
  • vegetable oil 2 Art. l
Calories and BJU per 100 g
Calories 68 kcal
Proteins: 1.1 g
Fats: 0.1 g
Carbohydrates: 18.5 g
55 minutesVideo
  • Prepare the oven by heating to 200 ° C.
  • Peel the pumpkincut into slices.
  • Mix sugar and salt, sprinkle the vegetable on top. With this combination, salt will enhance the sweetness of sugar.
  • Sprinkle oil on top.
  • Add ¼ cup of water to the oven. To avoid burning from above, it is necessary to cover the container with food foil.
  • The baking time is approximately 40-60 minutes.

Such a recipe is considered dietary. If you need a sweeter option, you need to increase the amount of sugar.

Honey and Apple Recipe

Recipe number 1

  • 0.4 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • 40 g of walnuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.
How to cook:
  1. Peel the apples, sour or sweet-sour, remove the core, cut into 2x2 pieces.
  2. Cut the pumpkin without the skin into slices similar to apples or a little thinner.
  3. In the prepared form with foil, spread the fruit, add 2 tablespoons of water.
  4. In a preheated oven up to 200 ° C place the pan for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove form, sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  6. Lay a layer of apples.
  7. Bake another 20-25 minutes.
  8. Allow to cool slightly, put in portioned plates, pour over honey, sprinkle with nuts. The dish is ready to eat.

Other recipes are possible in this:

  • with apples and raisins;
  • with honey;
  • with apples and quince;
  • with apples and walnuts.

Recipe number 2

  • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.2 kg of apples;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 0.2 kg of honey.
  1. Peel the apples and cut into slices.
  2. Peel the vegetable, cut like apples, but a little thinner.
  3. Lay on a baking sheet, pour honey and water.
  4. Place in a preheated oven and bake at 180 ° C for about 2 hours.
  5. When serving, you can sprinkle icing sugar on the table.
BAKED PUMPKIN WITH APPLES AND HONEY (Baked pumpkin with apples and honey)

Pumpkin with meat for the second

Baked pumpkin in the oven without sugar is suitable as a side dish for meat or fish, which can be consumed both hot and chilled.

  • 1.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • take greens to taste.
  1. Peel the fruit, cut into small cubes.
  2. Combine chopped garlic, salt, spices.
  3. Stir with slices of pumpkin.
  4. Put in the prepared form, add a little water.
  5. Place in a preheated oven to 180-200 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

Bake a delicious pumpkin whole

Pumpkin with vegetables

Classic recipe

To bake whole, you need to pick up a small fruit so that it is cooked evenly. Washed vegetable is pierced, placed in a mold and in the oven. It will be baked for about an hour.

With apples and raisins

There are many baking options with apples in general. But you should remember the rules that apply to all recipes:

  • Vegetables cook slower than fruits, so it is better to choose apples of hard varieties.
  • We need a ripe fruit of sweet varieties with orange pulp.
  • The degree of readiness is determined by piercing with a knife or fork. If the fruit is soft, the dish is ready, everything was baked inside.
  • Lemon juice is suitable for pumpkin and apple compositions.
  • 1.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.5 kg of apples;
  • 100 g of raisins;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • 50 g of walnuts;
  • 2-3 g of cinnamon;
  • sugar to taste.
  1. At the pumpkin, cut off the top, remove the seeds, pulp.
  2. Remove the core from apples and cut into cubes.
  3. Fry the apples in a pan in butter. Moisture should evaporate slightly.
  4. Rinse and dry raisins.
  5. Chop the nuts.
  6. Mix raisins, nuts, cinnamon, fill the vegetable with filling.
  7. Mix sour cream with sugar and pour into the fruit.
  8. The filled pumpkin is closed with a pumpkin cap, placed in the oven.
  9. It will take about 1 hour to cook at a temperature of 200 ° C. If the peel is firm, hold in the oven for another 20-30 minutes.

For the effect, it is better to put the whole dish on the table, cutting it in place.

Stuffed pumpkin

Pumpkins with Garlic, Onions and Butter

Pumpkin can be stuffed using different fillings:

  • Rice with apples, dried apricots, raisins, cherry plum.
  • Meat with onions.
  • Cheese with cream and herbs.
  • Meat, potatoes, mushrooms.
  • Rice with meat, chicken, lamb.
  • Cereals: rice, millet.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Nuts.
  • Buckwheat with pork.
Video cooking

Useful Tips

I will list recommendations that may come in handy during cooking.

  • For dessert dishes, it is better to choose sweet varieties.
  • So that the bottom does not stick, you need to pour a little water into the pan.
  • So that the top-cap does not stick, it must be removed as soon as it is covered with a golden brown. And instead cover it with foil. 10 minutes before readiness, return the cap to its place.
  • For stuffing, the filling should not reach the edge of the pumpkin. Otherwise, the liquid will overflow during cooking.
  • Suitable spices for sweet foods are: nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom.
  • For flavoring second courses from spices are suitable: cumin (zira), coriander.

Baked pumpkin is a good gastronomic product. In addition, there are a large number of recipes for various culinary processing of this miracle vegetable. Everyone will be able to choose the option that is suitable for cooking at home.

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Sokolova Svetlana
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