How to ferment apples at home - 3 step by step recipes

How to ferment apples at home

Pickled apples are an amazing product, for the preparation of which fresh apples are soaked in a composition consisting of water, salt and sugar with the addition of spices. In the recent past, many housewives made soaked apples, especially in rural areas. Over the years, the popularity of the dish has faded slightly. Despite this, some hostesses still delight their families with this delicacy and know how to make apples at home for the winter.

The procedure for making pickled apples is similar to pickling. Apples contain lactic acid. At the end of the leaven, the structure of the substance changes, and alcohol is obtained from the acid. Due to the natural preservation, the fruits retain their benefits and taste. About cooking treats and talk, having considered the best step by step recipes.

Calorie pickled apples

The calorie content of pickled apples is 40-70 kcal per 100 grams.

The final indicator is determined by the products used to make the marinade.

Pickled apples are famous for their pleasant taste, but these are not all the advantages of the harvest. Regular use of soaked apples brings great benefits to the body. The product has a low fat content, and the vitamin composition during urination is practically unchanged.

Soaked apples saturate the body with ascorbic acid, biotin and B vitamins. There are many useful minerals in the blank.

Pickled apples - a classic recipe for the winter

Delicious pickled apples

Autumn varieties of apples characterized by a sweet and sour taste are suitable for urination. Among them are Antonovka, Anis, Pepin, of which we usually prepare charlotte. If you are going to ferment apples at home, use ripened fruits. After picking, leave the fruit warm for a while, then use it for cooking according to the classic recipe described below.

Servings: +10
  • apples 800 g
  • water 1.5 l
  • honey or sugar 4 Art. l
  • currant leaves and cherries 1 a handful of
  • salt 1 tsp
  • cinnamon, cloves, mustard seeds taste
Calories and BJU per 100 g
Calories 13 kcal
Proteins: 0.8 g
Fats: 0.1 g
Carbohydrates: 1.6 g
40 minVideo
  • To get started, sort the apples. It is advisable to choose intact fruits that need to be washed in water.
  • Put currant and cherry leaves on the bottom of the bowl. Place apples in a row with tails up. After two rows, lay the leaves of currant and cherry again. Repeat the process until the fruit runs out.
  • Proceed to fill. To do this, put the ingredients specified in the recipes in boiling water. After boiling for two to three minutes, remove from heat and cool to 35 degrees. Pour apples in syrup.
  • Put the load on top so that the fruits completely cover the fill. Put in a warm place for two days. When fermentation begins, rearrange in a cold place. After one and a half to two months, pickled apples are ready for use.

Classic pickled apples are made elementary. Of course, households will have to wait a bit until the delicacy reaches readiness, but the result compensates for the time spent with an excellent taste.

Pickled apples Antonovka in a barrel

Photo apples Antonovka

For the recipe you need ripe apples of Antonovka variety, from which excellent compote for the winter. If the fruits are not ripe, leave them in a warm place for several days. Our ancestors used wooden barrels for pickling. If there is no such utensil, use a regular jar that closes tightly.

  • Antonovka - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 cups.
  • Rye flour - 1 cup.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 10 each.
  • Lingonberry - 1 handful.
How to cook:
  1. Put a large pot on the stove, pour 10 liters of water, bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and cool slightly. Send sugar, salt and rye flour. Stir crushing lumps. Leave to cool.
  2. Put currant and cherry leaves on the bottom of the barrel. Then a layer of Antonovka and again leaves. Having finished spreading the fruit, pour the prepared syrup. Put the load on top and leave it warm for two weeks.
  3. Remove the resulting foam every day. Top up the syrup so that the apples are completely covered. After two weeks, transfer the workpiece to a cold place to slow down the fermentation process.
  4. After 40 days, the apples are ready to eat. You will be pleasantly surprised by their taste. Keep the treat cold until spring.
Video recipe
Apples for the winter in the bank! | Apple Recipe In Season.

As in the first case, the preparation of soaked apples in a barrel at home requires time. But given the taste of the finished delicacy and the long shelf life, this is a trifle.

Apples Snow Calville in a jar

Photo of Snow Calville apples

Snow Calville is a variety that emerged thanks to the efforts of Ukrainian breeders. Today, Snow Calville is grown in many countries, including Russia. Soaked apples are a delicious preparation, for the preparation of which pans, buckets and barrels are used. However, in urban conditions, not every housewife has such a container, and choosing a suitable place for storage is problematic. In this case, it is more practical to use banks.

  • Water - 5 l.
  • Rye bread - 0.5 loaves.
  • Apples
  • Cherry and currant leaves.
  • Ground Cinnamon - 2.5 g.
  1. Cut the bread into small pieces, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Dry until golden. Pour “rye crackers” with boiling water, add cinnamon and set aside until it cools.
  2. Lay the leaves on the bottom of clean cans, lay Snow Calville on top. Add bread pickle to each jar. Cover the containers with gauze or a loose cloth. After fermentation, transfer the apples to the cold.
How to Savor Apples - Recipe from Everything Would Be Good - Issue 253 - 09/16/2013 - Everything will be fine

Agree, harvesting soaked apples in banks is more convenient than in a bucket or barrel. And if you are not afraid of experiments, make changes to the recipe. In particular, I advise you to replace sugar with honey, and instead of bread brine, use diluted rye flour or kvass. Just do not overdo it with the amount of currant leaves, otherwise the treat will turn sour.

Useful Tips

Juicy Green Apples

There are a considerable number of recipes for making soaked apples. And everyone has advantages and disadvantages, but if everything is done correctly, the result will never disappoint. And the following tips will help in this.

  • For harvesting for the winter, use ripe apples without damage and worms. Whole small fruits whole, and large ones cut into quarters.
  • Use a clean container for urine. Be sure to clean the pan, bucket or jar using soda, then rinse with boiling water.
  • Remember, regardless of the method of soaking, apples absorb brine. Therefore, regularly check the capacity and add fluid if necessary. Otherwise, product damage cannot be avoided.
  • To tint the taste of apples, add a few twigs of lavender, mint or oregano herbs. These herbs, beyond recognition, will change the taste of goodies.

Today we looked at popular and simple, but incredibly tasty recipes, thanks to which it is easy to prepare fragrant soaked apples for the winter. Recipes will help to stock up on a treat for the whole winter and will greatly increase your experience in preparing blanks. Good luck

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Sokolova Svetlana
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