We bring to your attention author's articles on the topic of beauty, body and hair care. Consider the most exciting questions, give detailed answers and recommendations.

The first wrinkles on the face that a girl can observe in her appear at the age of 25 years.
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At a young age, when there are no special skin problems, you can use nourishing face care
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Long before the tenacious fingers of world cosmetology corporations pulled the female industry under themselves
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A hundred years ago, only wealthy ladies could have beautiful and healthy hair. After all, caring for them
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Each person has a scalp on his head. Some have straight, red hair, while others have
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Not a single woman is safe from wrinkles. Most worries are usually those that
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In girls, the desire to be beautiful and fit is laid down by nature. To be proud of a slim body
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In summer, the scorching rays of the sun negatively affect the hair. The strands become dry and brittle. Under the influence
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The image of a successful man, like branded clothes, expensive watches on his wrist, is complemented by a stylish haircut and
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Cellulite or "orange peel" can cause many problems to its owner. Representatives
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Everyone should brush their teeth twice a day, and this should be done correctly. Neglect
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Everyone dreams of being slim and having a beautiful body and supple skin on the face and body. Achieve this
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The abdomen is one of the most problematic areas where fat accumulates. When losing weight, regardless of diet, physical
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Even the brightest smile will ruin the plaque. Mineralized, it turns into tartar, which
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Wrap is one of the most affordable, popular and modern cosmetic procedures.
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People experience inconvenience from their appearance if their skin is far from perfect. The main problem is acne
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Wet calluses and old corns are a hot topic for many people of various age groups.
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Many people are interested in the question: “how to tighten the oval of the face at home after 40 or 50 years?
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Waxing at home for a long time will eliminate unwanted hair. Thanks to Waxing
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One of the main factors of grooming for many girls is the lack of unwanted vegetation on the body.
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Proper facial features are the first condition of beauty. All known people paid close attention to this sign.
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Many girls care about the question of how to make ombre hair coloring at home? Ombre suggests
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The legs need the same thorough care as the face, hair or nails. However, practice shows that
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In the article, I will discuss in detail the methods that help to straighten hair without ironing and a hairdryer at home.
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Fluffy and long eyelashes are the result of professional extensions. The rules for their care depend on
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Getting rid of the black dots seems to many women an impossible mission. This problem takes a lot of weight.
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More and more girls are increasing the length of their own eyelashes using the extension procedure. Sometimes on
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Any woman strives to be charming and tries to bring a twist to her image that will highlight
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Many people face pigmentation on their face or uneven tanning. What can you whiten your face
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How to remove shellac from nails, what methods for removing shellac coating exist, and is it possible to remove it
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The results of an extensive study clearly showed that men with well-groomed facial hair
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Beauticians have created several innovative decorative coatings that are easy to apply and hold.
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The beard is a symbol of masculinity and power. Many men want to learn how to grow a beard at home.
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Girls like to conduct bold experiments with their appearance. In pursuit of beauty, they use non-standard
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Naturally white tooth enamel is not given to everyone. For certain reasons, the color of enamel worsens over the years.
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Beautiful manicure is an integral element of the image of a woman. Girls spend a lot of time on makeup, wardrobe
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Drying the body is a process in which a person gets rid of subcutaneous fat. Using drying athlete
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A beautiful and slender figure is the dream of every woman. Some are struggling with body imperfections and overweight
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Girls are interested in information on how to quickly grow hair at home. No wonder long
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The topic of today's conversation will be liquid chestnut for weight loss, real reviews of doctors, how to take
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At the end of the twentieth century, extended nails were a curiosity. Today for girls nail extension
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Long and slender legs are the dream of every woman, but not everyone has been given this from birth. Short legs
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In the article I will tell you how to remove stretch marks at home. They appear on the skin during pregnancy
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Over time, fashion trends change, but long strands remain relevant. No wonder they are
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Each girl wishes that there are no wrinkles, wrinkles and age spots on her neck. Over the years, the chin loses
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Shiny and silky ringlets were considered and are considered the standard of beauty and a symbol of health of the owner.
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Not every girl who takes care of herself has time or the opportunity to attend beauty studios.
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Hello dear readers! In the article I will consider popular women's haircuts for short hair, how to
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Continuing a series of articles devoted to body shaping, I’ll tell you how to quickly reduce calves on your legs for
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The article will consider in detail facial skin care after 25 years at home. To every young girl
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Expressive eyes are the key to success. Makeup helps makeup, makeup and well-groomed eyebrows.
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Greetings ladies, fashionistas and beauties! Today I will tell you how to do a manicure at home.
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Greetings, dear fashionistas and beauties! In the article I will tell you what to do if the skin on the face is dry
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People with acne clean their faces at home, which often leads to scars. Enough to do
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Any woman wants to shine with styling every day, but not everyone can constantly visit beauty salons.
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Black dots are common acne that is not covered in skin. Since they have free access to air
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The eyes are considered a reflection of the soul, so they need constant care. Often women give special
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I dedicate this article to people who wish to preserve youth. After carefully reading the story, you will understand how
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Many people have fat deposits on their sides, which is not easy to get rid of. But, this is real.
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Women like men with embossed presses, and men who like ladies with a perfect figure.
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A woman wants to be attractive and like men, regardless of age. When she feels
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A beautiful and slender figure is the dream of every woman, but not everyone is ready to fight for the desired ideals.
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Choosing the right perfume is an art, not every woman and man can use it.
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On the eve of any holiday, I want to look at the celebration of a well-groomed, attractive, shine silky
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Many people wonder how to clean their cheeks at home? Contrary to simplicity, the solution is not easy.
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The problem of excess weight is very relevant, so many want to know how to lose weight at home.
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How to choose face powder by tone and skin type? Millions of women are looking for an answer to this question.
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In the article I will tell you how fashionable and beautiful to make a New Year's hairstyle for long and medium hair
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