How to entertain children for the New Year. Piggy bank of experienced mom's ideas

Where to celebrate New Year

The New Year of the White Metal Rat is a wonderful holiday that adults and children love. Only everyone wants to spend it in different ways. Children want fun and enthusiasm, they are bored to sit at the table and watch TV, and adults, on the contrary, prefer tasty food and cheerful communication. In this article I want to share the story of my own family.

We faced this problem when the children grew up enough not to go to bed at ten in the evening, and together with everyone to wait for the treasured midnight. Plus, my daughter-in-law and my nephews came to us from Moscow on holidays. As a result, four children were gathered, and five adults. It became clear that something urgently needed to be organized. I went online. It turned out that there were many contests and puzzles for children for the New Year, but I needed exactly those that can be organized at home quickly and easily.

The key point was that we attracted all, yes, adults, to the event. The holiday was supposed to begin at 10 pm, go one and a half hours, at half-past eleven, dinner, then a speech by the president, chimes, gifts.

I tell everything in order. First of all, we all dressed up. Who is what a lot. For this, it is not necessary to buy expensive suits. It is enough to extract the contents from the cabinets and carefully review it. For example, my husband put on a vest, bandana, drew his mustache and beard. The daughter-in-law was in a summer straw hat with beads from a Christmas tree on her chest. Everything suits the children in general, the process itself is important to them. Well, we painted their faces. Secondly, we fed them. In advance. Children do not care about the New Year's table, salads, meat. They ate the usual food and calmly waited for the sweet.

The most popular contests for children

Children in a carriage

I did not focus on the competitive part, but on joint creativity. If the competition, then someone won. But someone lost. Children are touchy, but I wanted everyone to have fun, so I didn’t even choose competitions, but just interesting tasks.

Cotton wool

To prepare the room for the holiday, we needed snow. All participants were given cotton wool and a needle and thread. They rolled balls of cotton, and then stringed them on a string at random intervals. A couple of threads from each, now the snow can be attached to the chandelier.

Making snowmen from socks

Then we made snowmen out of socks. The idea is simply amazing, completely uncomplicated.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Socks, preferably white, but we had one snowman, a “coal”.
  • A few buttons, but if you wish, you can do with felt-tip pens, and just draw the buttons.
  • Glue for buttons, if you decide to stay on them.
  • Thin elastic.
  • Rice or any other light cereal. I do not advise you to do cotton wool, snowmen will not restrain themselves well, and you will need a lot of cotton wool.
  • Markers or felt-tip pens.
  • Ribbons and pieces of fabric for a snowman outfit.

The essence of the work is simple. You pour rice into the sock, tie one elastic band on top, one slightly higher than the middle. Stick on buttons or draw them with felt-tip pen. Also draw eyes. I advise you not to venture with buttons. Drawing is easier and more fun. Then decorate the snowman. A ribbon around the neck and a hat from a piece of fabric. Further photos of finished masterpieces with their performers and a general photo of the snow company.

Video lesson

Snowman from a sock in 5 minutes without sewing. Crafts for the New Year

Creative photo shoot

You need to make several cards (2-3 for each participant) with different tasks. For example, a cheerful guest or an overeating guest, New Year's deer of Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, Ilya Muromets on a horse, Snake Gorynych. In general, there is room for imagination. If the task has two or three characters (Serpent Gorynych - three heads), you can call someone to help. When the participant pulled out a card, depicted the required, you photograph it. I assure you that everyone will have fun! And you will remember interesting, unusual photos.

The best and interesting children's puzzles

Pork heel

At this stage, you can leave only children. I suggest fool puzzles. These are funny rhymes where you unwittingly rhyme wrong.

Many many many years
Gives us presents Grandfather,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is ... Birthday?

There she is, beauty
All shimmers!
They brought her from the cold,
Is this tree ... birch?

Who is he with a white beard
Himself rosy and gray-haired
He is better and kinder
Guessed? - ... Barmaley?

Santa Claus came to us,
I brought the young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift -
that girl - ... a mermaid?

Who is the assistant to Santa Claus?
Who with a carrot instead of a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Which snow is made? - ... Goblin?

Come to our ball!
So that no one will recognize you
Let your moms sew you
Carnival ... pajamas?

Harnesses Santa Claus
Three horses in a heavy cart.
What is their name, remember! - ...
March, April and warm May?

Are you my friend or not friend
Get in a circle soon!
Holding hands kids
Friendly drive ... a bear by the nose?

Forget about the vagaries
Everyone - sweets, everyone - surprises!
No need to cry on New Year
There, under the tree ... old bast?

To make night light
Grandpa needs help.
All kids say on holiday
Chorus: "Herringbone, ... go out?"

Santa Claus on the street
Goes to ... on the Snow Maiden?

Competitions and puzzles for the New Year 2020

Girl with presents at the Christmas tree

I talked about my experience, but it was another year. 2020 is the year of the Metal Rat. It’s good if part of the competitions is dedicated to the symbol of the year.

An interesting idea - to play forfeits

It is necessary to prepare in advance a mask of a yellow pig, a beautiful bow on the neck, a piece of yellow fabric to wrap the participant. The host invites the participants to choose a phantom from those laid out on the table. It describes the actions that the "pig" must perform. It can be anything.

  • Grunt a famous tune.
  • Dance a fun dance (music must be ready in advance).
  • Congratulate the audience using the “swine” vocabulary (let the mud be healing only next year).

Then each in turn puts on the props and performs the specified.

"Swine" congratulation

You can prepare a solemn "swine" congratulation. Each participant pulls out a ticket and performs the task.

Ticket number 1. Sing the words to the motive of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...”

I am a pig and you are a pig
All of us, brothers, pigs.
Today they gave us, friends,
A whole tub of botvigny.

Ticket number 2. Read on behalf of a welcoming host inviting guests to the set table.

Eat, champ, make friends
Brothers pigs!
We look like pigs
At least some more guys.

Ticket number 3. Read with enthusiasm in your voice, as if voicing your dream.

In the skies, brothers, the bear is flying,
The bear flies, twists its tail.
Pig on spruce nest twisted,
The nest was twisted, the children brought out,
Lovely kids, little pigs.
Piglets hanging on knots
Hang on the knots, they want to fly.

Ticket number 4. Read on behalf of the hostess, who gives the guest a compliment.

Pig Nenila
Son praised:
That's pretty
That's something pretty:
Walking sideways
Ears are up
Crochet tail,
Piglet nose!

Ticket number 5. Read with pride in yourself and pathos.

Remember this is every son.
Know any child:
Will grow from a son of pigs,
If the son is a pig.

Ticket number 6. Read as a telegrapher who taps a congratulatory telegram.

Like a typewriter
Two pretty pigs:
And tapping
And grunt:

Ticket number 7. Read boring and instructive.

My boy! I give you this song.
Count your strength.
And if you don't know how to say “Oink-oink”,
Squeal, not embarrassed, "Eee!"

Just not a pig!

Another competition is to list in turn different words that can mean pigs, up to “hryundel” or “Peppa pig”, if only there was an indication of this animal.

Pig Posters

The eternal entertainment that never bothers is to make several posters with a pig in different versions: standing, lying, sitting in an armchair, dancing. Only remove the spots and tails. Have you already guessed? Each participant needs to attach the attributes to the right place with their eyes closed. And different posters are needed so that the next participant does not know what kind of picture is in front of him.

Useful tips based on personal experience

To make the holiday as fun as possible, there are several simple conditions.

  • Everyone should be in suits, even in the simplest. This will automatically set the holiday tone.
  • It is good to have a musical break during the competitions. There are lots of songs, such as "we will hang the balls." The presenter shows the movements to the music, they repeat everything. But the same verse is repeated many times with acceleration, now everyone is rushing around, as they can, they are not doing anything, but at the same time they are absolutely delighted!
  • To effectively end the holiday, all gifts must be packaged in advance so that no one knows exactly what is in them. You can fold it under a Christmas tree with a beautiful pile, you can put it in a bag. Depends on the age of the children. For the first full-fledged New Year of our kids, we sewed a bag that dad threw under a Christmas tree when everyone went outside to watch the fireworks. It was necessary to see how the children ran back. The first one who flew into the room, without taking off his clothes, shouted into his voice: “Lying! Lies! ”

Summing up, I want to say that the New Year of the White Rat is a family holiday, so it should remain. Since then, we have repeatedly organized such entertainment programs, with the participation of adults, too. You can’t imagine how enthusiastic people are fooling around, forgetting about problems, worries. And the New Year is the line that you want to step over with a light heart and a good mood!

In the year of which animal were you born?

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The main thing in organizing such an event is not to overdo it with the complexity of the task. Preparation should cause no less joy than conducting. Then there will be no tired and dissatisfied, but the celebration will be wonderful and everyone will remember for a long time!

The author of the article
Anton Smekhov
I understand that the quality of someone’s life depends on my knowledge and experience set forth on “paper”. I try to see only good in people, so I offer them only the best!
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